Latest News
Special Offers
Attend any two 10 week courses in Jan - Mar 2013 for £90 (10% discount)
or all three 10 week Courses in Jan - Mar 2012 for £127.50 (15% discount)
A sibling discount of 20% on full fees will be offered to families enrolling a second or subsequent child
Why not contact us today to become one of the first members of our performing arts school and take advanage of these great special offers on our Drama Lab, Music Studio and Dance Base courses. Don't miss out on Your Turn to Shine
Classes for 6-10 yr olds
Tiny Tots is for 6- 10 year old who just want to have fun while learning basic performing arts skills in acting, singing and dance.
These weekly classes are designed to create a fun social envirment for children to develop their talents alongside making friends.
Eventually our Tiny Tots will grow up and join YTNI's main perfomring arts courses . To sign up for our first 10 week term running in autumn 2012 Contact Us today.
Your Turn to Have Fun